Monday, August 3, 2009

Das Van ist Kaputt

So Tyler's baby, his 1997 Astro Van, caught on fire on Saturday night on his way home from working in Elko, Nevada on Saturday. It is a total loss. :( Everything under the hood, the hood itself and winshield are gonners.We only had liability insurance on the van since it was so old and cash for clunkers will only take a "drivable" car, so we're S.O.L. Good thing Tyler's out of town for a few weeks on tour, then we'll figure out the next step.

Tyler's fine, thank goodness! I'll post pictures when he brings the camera back.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

You knew it would happen!

Trying this again. I started my blog almost a year ago, with no idea what to do. I'll give it another whirl...

Tyler's Tour

So Tyler is headed to the West coast tomorrow for a tour with his band, Eagle Twin. He's already been to the midwest and they did extremely well. This tour should be a good one. I'm so excited for him! Here are some Eagle Twin pics.